I help individuals and
organizations manage
and resolve conflict
through innovative
neuro mediation strategy,
coaching, and education.

Transforming difficult situations and positively changing lives is my absolute passion. Helping clients, whether organizations or individuals, through conflict prevention to ultimately embrace conflict as a portal for positive change, is my ultimate goal. I am intent on guiding steady progression and future-focused solutions.

“I intend to reshape how the world approaches the conflict resolution process.”
RETHINK CONFLICT embodies this purpose.

Carol Barkes holds an MBA in Negotiation & Conflict Management; a BBA in Global Leadership & Infuence; an AA in Fire Science; and is currently pursuing a PhD in Peak Performance Psychology with an emphasis in Neuroscience Conflict Resolution.
As an innovative conflict resolution expert in the ground-breaking science of neuro mediation, Carol’s passion is conflict resolution with optimally successful results. Her process includes coaching and educating individuals and business executives, HR departments, court systems and anyone stuck at an impasse. Simply put, she zeroes in on a pain point, facilitating the transformation of difficult situations with ease for clients who are unable to move forward. She offers steady, guided progression for conflict resolution relying on both her experience and extensive educational training in neruo mediation and conflict resolution.
She mediates hundreds of cases annually with an industry-leading 90%+ resolution rate.
Barkes is well-versed in the latest neuroscience techniques that create productive change in the most compassionate manner possible. She is an avid and experienced public speaker and published author. .
Ranked on the best-seller list with her new book, Success Breakthroughs, co-authored with Jack Canfield.
Boise, Idaho on Sept 30, 2018 -
Performance Coach, Carol Barkes,
joined Best-Selling Author® Jack Cafield,
originator of the Chicken Soup for the
Soul® series.

Collaborative with conference coordinators, Carol curates effective programs in an easy, user friendly manner which makes an organizers job much less stressful.

Having been coached by some of the world’s top movement and speaking experts, Carol's talks are engaging, lively, vulnerable and fresh. This means attendees will stay engaged and be energized.

Using content from speaking at the United Nations, Carol brings audiences better understanding in how to better manage highly charged conversations and turn them into successful effective resolutions.

Divas be damned – Carol is easy to work with and very creative in her approaches. While she has standard talks, she will also tailor her discussions and brainstorm to be audience specific.

Carol can provide both keynote speeches and breakout sessions. She is willing and able to help conference promotors create the best approach for their event.

Providing speeches that not only entertain but leave people with a variety of new tools to take away from the event, Carol excels in teaching and empowered takeaways for audiences.

Observing from her own lived experiences, Carol's passion in neuroscience and how the knowledge of our brain (and it's processing of information) can be life-changing. Consequently, she crafted a spirited and scientifically-based approach to conflict resolution that is refreshing and powerfully informative, while also straightforward and enjoyable. Her presentations are engaging and powerful additions to anyone’s toolbox.